Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Spy games

While doing some chores over the weekend I shooed the kids away saying "go find something to do!" which usually has 2 results - either after awhile they start fighting or they actually play nice together -Luckily they actually played nicely together - and this is the game they came up with they were "spies" and had to find various "bad guys" (Like Mr. Bad Horse that is pictured ;) Us adults even got more involved after the chores were done by hiding the bad guys. We'd hide the bad guy and come up with a clue if they needed a hint- I didn't get a lot of great pics because the spies didn't want to get caught by the paparazzi too much -But, It was pretty fun! Happy WW!


Unknown said...

I think it's great they will do this rather than just sit in front of a telly!

. said...

I love hearing about kids and their imaginative play. At least the weren't fighting, right. :)

Brandy@YDK said...

that's super cute and imaginitive.

Mom Mayhem says: said...

Yes It was great that they didn't fight and came up with a great imaginitive game -it makes up for the times we do veg in front of the TV ;)