Ten Facts:
- Name -Angela
- Nicknames -Mom Mayhem , Mom, Mommy -Hey you ;)
- Any Birth Marks -Not that I'm aware of
- Hair Color -Red
- Natural Hair Color -Red -It's truly my real hair color and yep the carpet matches the drapes -What? Oops -TMI? ;)
- Eye Color -Brown
- Height -Short (about 5ft)
- Mood -Anxious
- Favorite Color -Purple!
- One Place You Want to Visit -Hawaii
Ten This or That
- Love or Lust- Love
- Cats or Dogs -Cats
- A few best friends or many regular friends -A few best friends
- Television or Internet - Hmm -That's a hard 1! Have to say internet though since I can watch shows on there and blog -etc :)
- Chinese or Indian Food -Chinese
- Wild Night out or Romantic Night In -Romantic Night in
- Money or Happiness -Happiness (Both would be grea though ;)
- Night or Day -Hmmm -Night?
- MSN or phone -Phone
Ten Have You's
- Ever performed in front of a large crowd -Yes -school functions mostly
- Ever done drugs -No
- Ever consumed alcohol -Yes
- Ever been on a dance team -No
- Ever been on a sports team -No
- Ever been in a drama play/production? -Yes 1 of the times I performed in front of a large crowd -Highschool drama class was fun! -(A little trivia my drama teacher was in 1 of the David Garret law commercials-those that are local should know what I'm talking about ;)
- Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer, or Bentley? No
- Ever been in a rap video? No
Ten Lasts
- Last Phone call you made -To my sister
- Last person you hung out with -Other than my family here at home -The RHOK'n ladies
- Last person you tackled -Well, I think it's more like my son tackles me ;)
- Last person you IM'd -Hmmm not sure don't really IM
- Last person (s) you went to the movies with -My husband
- Last thing you missed - Hmmm -Not sure
- Last thing you ate -Chocolate Chip Muffin
- Pierce your nose or tongue? Hmm -Nose?
- Be serious or funny -I would say funny -But, I appreciate a good serious conversation more a lot of times :)
- Drink whole or skim milk -Whole
- Spend time with you parents or enemies? Parents
Are You
Simple or Complicated? Simply Complicated ;)
Do you Prefer
- Flowers or Candy? Both are great -But, I do have a big sweet tooth ;)
- Gray or Black? Either is fine
- Color or Black and White photos? Color
- Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset
- Staying up late or waking up early? -Definitely Staying up late!
- Sun or Moon? Sun
- Left or Right? Left
- Sun or Rain? Sun
- Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream? Either is fine really
- Vodka or Jack Daniels? Hmmm -Vodka?
- Nervous Habits? Biting my nails ;pacing
- Are you double jointed? No
- Can you twist your tongue around/ roll it? I can roll it like a taco!
- Can you raise one eyebrow? Yep!
- Can you cross your eyes? Not really
- Do you make your bed daily? No my husband is more concerned about that than me
- Which shoe goes on 1st? Hmmm-Not sure -just depends?
- Ever thrown something at someone? Yes
- On average how much money do you carry with you? Maybe $10 -usually just use debit card
- What jewelry do you wear? My wedding ring, a necklace my husband bought me, my watch?
- Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it -but, I'm still hopelessly messy
- Have you ever eaten Spam? Yep -It's kind of an inside joke with my dad -I gave him some as a gift before =P
- Favorite Ice Cream? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- How many kinds of cereal are in your kitchen? Usually about 2 sometimes 3
- What's your favorite beverage? Sweet tea
- Do you cook? Yeah, sometimes
- Last alcoholic drink -Hmmm -not sure been awhile
- Last Car ride - Taking my daughter to the bus stop this morning
- Last Movie watched -In the theater -Red ; At home- The Social Network
Now how about you? -Be sure to join in the MckLinky Monday with the RHOK!