Friday, April 29, 2011
PW -Part 2
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My neck of the woods - Our Easter

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My neck of the woods -Broken Bathroom

In my mind it was something I was hoping to take care of in May(middle to end) -When school is winding down -things are a little more lax -etc. Now looks like after Easter -We'll be calling a plumber out sooner rather than later! So, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods -P.S. -Any advice appreciated. P.P.S. -Hope things are going better in your neck of the woods -Be sure to join in with the RHOK's -Your neck of the woods!
Monday, April 18, 2011
PW -BHtTW Ch. 6-9
So, will she or won't she - Move to Chicago as planned? As she goes back and forth -she ultimately decides...
To take a chance on love with the Marlboro Man and doesn't move to Chicago! And yes, again more swooning -I love the part where she tells him of her decision -which leads to a good makeout session "Before I knew it we were back where we'd been before, rolling around and kissing manically in the bed of his diesel pickup. Occasionally my arm would hit a crowbar and my head would slam against a spare tire or a cattle prod or a jack ; I didn't care, I'd said what I wanted to say that night. Everything else -even minor head injuries -was a piece of cake."
I love how no matter how cool she may seem there are things like bumping her head on a spare tire, or almost falling/ spilling her purse, and all the inner dialogue that goes on -that makes us less than cool - clumsy girls relate ;)
I also like that she mentions - that feeling of it's just them -in love -but, oh yeah -there are other people to consider here -gotta meet the family and all ! And what an impression she must've made not quite making a turn and her car getting stuck in a ditch -with Marlboro's mom in the car! And after all this meeting his family and being in love -she comes home - to be shaken to the core -finding out her parents are having marital problems -If her parents who had been together for thirty years were having problems -what does that make of love ? Even though Marlboro Man does make her feel less disheartened - What will happen next? -To be continued...
Friday, April 15, 2011
The Kids -Ages and Stages
My son recently turned 5 -it's 1 of my fav. ages because they're old enough to do a lot of things on their own -like going potty -But, still need their mama for a lot of things too. At this age they are also good helpers. And say the darndest things -as mentioned in my previous post we all took a trip to the vet recently - there was a cat in a cage for adoption -and my son asked "Why the cat had a hole" as he was pointing -I explained that's where it goes poop -maybe because it had lighter fur that he noticed it on that cat and not ours before? Me and the receptionist got a little giggle out of it anyway. Also the other day we were getting ready to walk into a store when my son stopped and sniffed -*sniff *sniff and said -"Hmm -smells like yellow" -Lol- Where does he come up with this stuff?!
And as far as my daughter she's almost officially a teenager -yikes! It's kind of a strange age -being a lot more independant in a lot of ways but, then not in some ways. She gets embarrassed by us "old folks" a lot. She's taller than me now (not that -that's too hard to do;) and blossoming into quite the beautiful young lady. As an early bday present we got her a cell phone recently -and we've already had to take it away once -Because of "the attitude" - she certainly has the eye rolling and teenage attitude down -Yeesh -Teenage daughters:
So, yep that's the ages n stages going on around here for now. What's your favorite age/stage? Hope everyone has a Happy friday and weekend!Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My Neck of the woods -Cat in the Hat

Friday, April 8, 2011
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels -Ch. 1-5
About the only thing I could relate to in that was being a redhead and maybe the drafts of resume's. I don't think I've spent almost $500 on any article of clothing or even $400 in my life! I was a bit surprised to learn that Ree did in fact come from an "affluent" background. But, that aside I have to admit she does write well and as it got juicier -the more interested in the book I got.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
First -Your neck of the woods

Friday, April 1, 2011
The Friday Five -He's in the band