Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday Five -Internet Memes
1. Pants on the Ground -This is originally what got me thinking about all of this. I did actually watch the episode of American Idol of which it originated and liked the catchy tune -Then BOOM! The next day it went viral- diff. Facebook's groups,all kinds of people even celebs putting their own twist on it -YouTube videos ;Remixes-etc. So,just in case you missed it-Here's the original:
2. Kittens!-Inspired by Kittens. If you haven't seen this -OMG it is one of the cutest/funniest things-Ever! And like all memes there are various versions on YouTube-etc.-Like a kitten watching Kittens inspired by Kittens-Ha! But here's the original:
3. Ima Let You Finish - You probably remember that whole thing at the 2009 MTV awards when Taylor Swift was accepting her award for Best Female Video and Kanye West interrupted her -Of course he did say those now infamous words -"Ima Let you Finish" Everyone seem to agree that whole fiasco was not cool! But, the subsequent meme is pretty funny -Check out all kinds of funny pics -At the website dedicated to -Ima Let you Finish.
4. The Dramatic Chipmunk -This is one of my 1st and fav. memes of all time! Even though I don't think it's a chipmunk -Maybe some kind of gopher or prairie dog?? And even though it's short- It's true it's got to be the best 5sec. clip on the 'net -It cracks me up! Here's the original:
5. Charlie the Unicorn -There's different videos but, I'd say for me the 2nd one is my fav. especially between minute 2-3- Choo Choo -Shoe -Cracks me up! So, here's Charlie the Unicorn #2:
So,there's today's Friday Five - Do you like these memes? Whats your favorite viral video;internet meme?
Happy Weekend-Everyone!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Awhile ago she went to the Dr. and ending up having the H1N1-I talked about that here. As the Dr. was checking her out he noticed some swelling in her neck-A goiter. I never really noticed it too much before and after she was well enough to get a blood test we got that done at the Dr's request. Once we got the results back it was found that her TSH levels were high and she was referred to a pediatric endocrinologist. Which actually wasn't new for us -we've been there for my son. And if anyone has been referred to an endocrinologist or other type specialist you probably know that it can take months to get an appt. So,that's how it went we waited to hear back about an appt.-the endocrinologist actually called 1st for a follow-up appt. for my son-I tried to see about getting my daughter's appt. but, I guess they didn't have her paperwork yet. Once I finally heard back about my daughter I got it worked out for both of the kids to be seen the same day/time-Which was just this week! My son checked out fine and the Dr. said she doesn't have to see him anymore-But, now she'll have to see my daughter for an on-going basis. She did another blood test to be sure and I just heard back yesterday it's confirmed Hashimoto's Thyrioditis- She will have to take a pill everyday -probaably for the rest of her life. The Dr. says she should be fine as long as she takes her med's-Everyday. So,that's that-Luckily it seems we caught it pretty early-there hasn't been a lot of other symptoms so,I'm glad the Dr. noticed it. Now hoping the med's work out fine and everything. I of course did a lot of googling about it yesterday-If you want more info here's one of things I read about it.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Friday Five- A confession...
Meatball Subs -I used to love getting meatball subs from Subway-Now,I can make my own! And see how easy that is -You basically get a 2lb.package of frozen cooked meatballs and you get 2 meals out of it-Love it! (I made both of these this week :) I also love that Kraft has serving suggestions like serving fruit to round out this meal -Usually I set out a big bowl of grapes that we all share.
3. Another easy way to cook is the crock-pot right? And soups this time of year are so yummy-So,
Zesty Minestrone -Again from Kraft Kitchen Foods.
4. Another good soup -Chicken Tortilla Soup - I kinda do a mix of a couple diff. recipes. One of the best/easiest things I do is get 1 of those pre-roasted chickens from the store and use that-Add the chicken towards the end -Since it's already cooked.-Mmmm!
Beef Broccoli Lo Mein - Again I kinda do my own mix of diff. recipes. but I do take another shortcut and use already package stir fry strips.
So,there you have it -Today's Friday 5 and now I think I'm ready for lunch =D Have a good weekend everybody!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wordless Wednesday -Aaah a snake!
Ok so it's not really a snake -More like a toy snake or should I say a snake of toys =D Anyways this is the kind of stuff my son does ALL the time- Just wanted to share. Have a nice day my bloggy buddies!
Friday, January 8, 2010
The world according to my son
2. A similar pic- just more of the book and in a blurrier version
3. A little plastic chair he has -that yes he put stickers all over it- Oh and also an upside down cowboy on the chair.
4. Another blurry picture -Can you tell what it is? -It's our Christmas tree and my husband would be so proud that he got a picture of one of the penguin ornaments :)
So,that's today's Friday Five brought to you today by my son. Hope everyone has a good weekend and stays warm! Schools here have been closed the past couple days because it's been so cold-you can always check out my latest Examiner articles if you want some indoor fun ideas or if you're around Tulsa info on local Children's Museums.
Ta Ta for now
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cousin's Wedding
Finally they got married ;) You see the bride of course is my cousin and the groom's family has been friends of the family -for a very long time-Our grandmothers are friends!
The festivities went something like this-The bridal shower was here at my house Fri- New Year's day. In all the hustle and bustle I didn't get a good pic of the spread we had :( But, it went well. Later that evening was the rehearsal dinner it was a catered event at a nice Bed and Breakfast/Historic mansion/home- Here's a pic of the place: